FINAT Public Affairs Blog #3
While the year may have started relatively slowly in terms of meetings, there has been a lot of regulatory activity. The EU Commission published additional materials on its plans for the circular economy end of 2017, as well as new regulation on BPA in food contact materials and the 9th amendment of the Plastics Regulation in February. This once again demonstrates the importance of a wide public affairs network and the vigilance of our members for any issues that may arise!
FINAT UVFoodSafe taskforce – Tarsus, 9 January, London, and 22 January
The FINAT President, Managing Director and chairman of the UVFoodSafe taskforce met with RadTech Europe and Tarsus, agreeing on the way forward for the UVFoodSafe initiative. Following this, the FINAT UVFoodSafe taskforce set up a draft mission statement and goals for the initiative, which are to be finalized at a meeting during the Technical Seminar in Barcelona.
CheMI platform
CheMI platform meeting for Downstream Users under REACH, 8 February, Brussels
Discussing the impact of REACH on downstream users and preparations of associations for the last registration deadline, one of the important news items was that there is a new deadline for companies that expect their substance test results may not be ready by the 31st of May registration deadline. These companies need to provide proof that lab testing contracts have been secured before the 31st of March to be able to apply for consideration as an “exceptional case”. The full document can be found here.
Industry Food Contact Materials Cross-Sector Group
28 February, Brussels
This collaboration of a large group of industry associations is preparing proposals for risk management and assessment, responsibilities and communication in the supply chain for food contact materials. Work of this group is especially relevant in light of the activities of the European Commission to harmonize regulation for food contact materials, and aims to provide workable solutions for the entire food packaging chain.
Upcoming meetings in Q1 2018
- 2 March ESVOC BREF STS telecon
This telcon will review input received on the first draft of the revised BREF STS document. We will call on the Commission for a clearer timeline going into 2018 for next steps. - 5 March EPRC
At this meeting, the deinking guidance document is under review. Our technical expert Jacques van Leeuwen will participate in the review to ensure it meets the requirements of our industry. - 17 - 18 April CITPA meeting, Brussels
This meeting will focus on regulatory developments in the area of Product Safety and Sustainability for paper products.
Important dates
31 May 2018 REACH registration deadline for chemicals imported or manufactured in(to) Europe between 1 and 100 t/a