Label Assocations Network
FINAT has a close relation with the (national) label associations. In Europe, the national associations work together via the National Associations Board (NAB) and the world biggest associations are represented in the L9.
Related (label) associations
ABIEA - Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Etiquetas Adesivas | Brazil | |
AMETIQ - Asociación Mexicana de Etiqueteros | Mexico | |
AIFEC - Asociación Ibérica de Fabricantes de Etiquetas en Continuo | Spain | |
BPIF - British Printing Industries Federation, Roll Label Section | U.K. | |
DLA - Dansk Etiketforening | Denmark | |
ELSET - Greek Label Manufacturers Association | Greece | |
ESD - Etiket Sanayicileri Dernegi | Turkey | |
Grafiska GFF - Grafiska Företagens Förbund | Sweden | |
FPLMA - Flexible Packaging & Label Manufacturers Association | Australia | |
GIPEA - Gruppo Italiano Produttori Etichette Autoadesive | Italy | |
JFLP - The Japan Federation of Label Printing Industries | Japan | |
LMAI - Label Manufacturers Association of India | India | |
PEIAC - Printing and Printing Equipment Industries Association of China | China | |
SALMA - Self Adhesive Label Manufacturers Association of New Zealand | New Zealand | |
SOJUZUPAK - Union of Manufacturers and Consumers of packages and packaging product | Russia | |
TLMI - Tag and Label Manufacturers Institute | USA | |
UNFEA - Union Nationale de Fabricants d'Etiquettes Adhesives | France | |
VsKE - Verband der Hersteller Selbstklebender Etiketten | Germany |
Initiatives and collaborations
Read more on initiatives and collaborations of the (inter)national associations, hosted by FINAT, below.