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WACKER and Slovenian Distribution Partner Gomline Agree on Co-Branding of Silicone Compounds

Munich, January 9, 2014 – WACKER, the Munich-based chemical group, and Slovenia-based silicone compounder Gomline d.o.o. have agreed on co-branding of ready-to-use silicone-rubber compounds. The Ljubljana-based distribution partner can now use the “Based on ELASTOSIL®” quality label for its own silicone compounds made of WACKER raw materials. The ELASTOSIL® trademark was introduced nearly 60 years ago and characterizes high-quality silicone-rubber products. Today, it is one of the Group’s most successful brands worldwide.

Gomline supplies customers in Slovenia and southeast Europe with ready-to-use silicone compounds. Such compounds are usually formulated locally and modified to suit the customer’s own specifications. If the silicones are from WACKER, Gomline can distribute its products using the “Based on ELASTOSIL®” label. “Gomline employs experienced compounding experts who not only know how to formulate high-quality silicone compounds, but also have excellent knowledge of their customers’ needs,” stressed Peter Summo, head of the Engineering Silicones business unit. Beside high product quality and short delivery times, expertise and service are particularly key. “Due to the enhanced collaboration with Gomline, we are now able to better supply the southeast European market with high-quality silicone products via a stronger focus on the customer,” said Summo in explaining the co-branding move.

Gomline’s managing director, Rado Mandic, also welcomed the agreement with the Munich-based chemical company. “The fact that we can use the ELASTOSIL® brand significantly enhances the image of our compounds and opens up entirely new sales markets.” All products featuring the “Based on ELASTOSIL®” label are formulated with silicones from WACKER. Mandic continued: “The ELASTOSIL® brand is a global quality label for silicones. This fosters trust and makes it easier for us to convince customers of the quality of our silicone compounds.”