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Stop press: New dates added for sell-out AWA heat shrink sleeve workshop!

Due to high demand for registrations, AWA Alexander Watson Associates are adding an extra Introduction to Heat Shrink Sleeve Label Technologies Workshop to their events schedule, directly after the original event in Plymouth, MN, USA on Tuesday June 11 and Wednesday June 12.

‘Hands on’ learning
The just-scheduled follow-up, on Thursday June 13 and Friday June 14 at the same locations, has been arranged to meet the exceptional demand the company has experienced from industry professionals for the prior workshop. Replicating its agenda, and supported as before by leading industry participants Accraply, Bonset America, Esko, Flint Group, and Polysack Flexible Packaging, the workshop will match theory with practical, hands-on demonstrations, as well as a ‘cures and remedies’ discussion between workshop participants and the experts. A key feature is the ‘on site’ location of the workshop: at the Flint Group facility on day one, and the Accraply facility on day two – both of them located in Plymouth, MN.
Participants will take away a printed manual, featuring all the presentations and other useful information for future reference; and, as well as providing a full two-day learning agenda, the event is an opportunity for peer networking and extending personal contacts across the industry.

Interested parties should apply as soon as possible via the AWA website, www.awa-bv.com