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Responding to French market, Incarta Packaging Adopts Digital Printing with HP Indigo 30000 Digital Press

Incarta Packaging, a leading creator and provider of packaging solutions, has installed its first HP Indigo 30000 Digital Press. Located in Lot-et-Garonne, France, the company is now better equipped to respond to market requirements in terms of single orders, delivery periods and the renewal of designs.

"With the acquisition of the HP Indigo 30000, Incarta Packaging is equipping itself with a technology that will enable us to expand our solutions and services proposed to our clients,” said Bernard Denjoy, Manager of Incarta Packaging. “We’re now able to better meet our customers’ needs in terms of innovating and original packaging even more efficiently, a growing demand for small and medium-sized productions."

The HP Indigo 30000 allows Incarta’s customers to personalize packaging, a growing trend in the sector as it increases the possibilities of improving a brands’ image.