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Reorganisation of Management in the Cham Paper Group

The Cham Paper Group is adapting its management organisation in line with the transformation process initiated at the end of 2011. Transitioning is progressing on schedule. The management of the speciality paper divisions – operating independently in Switzerland and Italy as of 2013 – and the real estate operations in Cham are being separated. The function of Group CEO is being abolished. The op-erations of the two speciality paper divisions will now be coordinated by an executive committee chaired by a delegate of the board.

The transformation process of the Cham Paper Group – initiated at the end of 2011 and progressing on schedule – now requires that the management structures also be optimised. Starting from the second quarter of 2013, the two mills in Italy will form the backbone of industrial speciality paper production of the Cham Paper Group with its own logistics and distribution structure. This division will be headed by Marcello Di Giacomo, the managing director of CPG Italia. After the shutdown of the second paper ma-chine in Cham as of the end of the first quarter of 2013 the Group’s industrial operations in Switzerland will be focussed on finishing (coating technology) of sourced base paper and the development, launch, and marketing of premium product lines and services. This division will be headed by the Cham’s site long-standing manager, Peter Müller.

The preparations for transforming the Papieri Park into a new quarter of Cham are underway. This pro-cess – engaged in jointly with the municipality of Cham – is headed by the Cham Paper Group’s Claude Ebnöther, who reports directly to the board’s real estate committee. The municipal government of Cham will be voting on an associated project planning budget on 10 December 2012.

Peter Studer, CEO of the Cham Paper Group since 2009, has decided to leave the group as of the end of 2012 to take up a new challenge. The Board of Directors has decided to abolish the function of Group CEO due to the pronounced difference in the orientation and needs of the three divisions.

In the future, an executive committee headed by Urs Ziegler will coordinate between the two speciality paper divisions in Switzerland and Italy. Urs Ziegler, serving on the Board of Directors of the Cham Pa-per Group since 2007 and paper industrialist until 2009 (CEO of Ziegler Papier), has been appointed delegate of the board for this purpose. The other members of the executive committee are Peter Müller, Marcello Di Giacomo and Gerold Zuegg, site manager in Condino. Urs Ziegler is assisted in running Cham Paper Group Holding AG by Franziska Stöckli, Head of Corporate Services, and Luis Mata, Head of Finance & Controlling. The new organisation will go into effect on 5 December 2012.

The board is convinced that this modification of the management structure will cater best for the changed orientation of the three divisions of the Cham Paper Group. At the same time it would like to extend a word of sincere thanks to Peter Studer, for his services on behalf of the Cham Paper Group since 2003, first as head of research and development, then as the site manager at Cham, and from April 2009 as CEO. The Board of Directors and the Executive Committee would like to wish him the very best in his future personal and professional endeavours.