HomeNews › Polytype subsidiary Pagendarm BTT GmbH in Hamburg changes name to WIFAG-Polytype GmbH
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Polytype subsidiary Pagendarm BTT GmbH in Hamburg changes name to WIFAG-Polytype GmbH

New name covers both pillars of the Hamburg facility / No changes whatsoever in contact partners and for existing business relationships

Since 2007, the Hamburg-based Pagendarm BTT GmbH has been part of the wifag//polytype Group located in Fribourg, Switzerland. As a
result of the new organizational structure of the group, Pagendarm BTT GmbH now has a new name. Since March 15, 2014, it has been conducting business under the name WIFAG-Polytype GmbH. The new WIFAG-Polytype GmbH remains a wholly owned subsidiary of Polytype
Converting AG located in Fribourg, Switzerland. Mr. Esa-Matti Aalto remains the Managing Director. All contractual relationships and business terms and conditions also remain completely unchanged, as do contact details and contact partners.

wifag//polytype, specialist for printing, coating and surface finishing technology, has been putting a new, more market-oriented organizational structure in place since September 1, 2013. The new structure will serve as the basis for the group's multi-faceted range of solutions, which will be tailored even more closely to customer needs in the future. 

The name change for the facility in Hamburg, Germany, changes nothing in the practice of selling coating and finishing machines and systems under both brand names Polytype and Pagendarm. They are synonymous with Swiss and German quality in the top level segment
and the advanced level segment. Dryers, remoistening systems and coating systems are all sold under the brand name Pagendarm. The new generation of dryers from Hamburg (SpeedStar HT) already won the C2 Innovation Award at the ICE 2013.

In addition, the new name signals the subsidiary's expanded role. In the future, WIFAG-Polytype GmbH  will also be the sales, service and engineering base in Hamburg for WIFAG Maschinenfabrik AG, a leading supplier of newspaper and book printing machines located in Fribourg, Switzerland.

The Hamburg facility has thus been strengthened and remains an integral part of the wifag//polytype matrix organization. Its priorities will be Purchasing and Distribution, the technology segment Drying and Remoistening as well as Spare Parts and Services.

Jörgen Karlsson has been CEO of Polytype Converting AG and WIFAG Maschinenfabrik AG since September 1, 2013. Since then, parts of the two corporate structures have been sensibly merged in multiple steps. The goal is to combine the overall expertise of the company group in the conversion of web materials in an optimum manner. 
Jörgen Karlsson: "Unlike many of our competitors in the market wifag//polytype combines complete expertise for web handling, for printing, coating, laminating and drying flexible materials of all kinds within a single group. As one of the most innovative companies in the further development of digital printing technology, we can provide ultra-precise and economical solutions not only for paper but also for foils, laminates, cups and body printing as well as converting applications."