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New EFI Front End Puts the Kibosh on Proliferation of Fake News Printing

EFI™ has raised the bar on its line of Fiery Digital Front Ends (DFEs) with the launch of an intuitive system that scrubs the growing scourge of fake news that plagues printing jobs and personal news feeds.

The EFI Fake News Non-Server is a greenfield platform that operates within the newly christened Graphic Arts Faux Front Ends (GAFFEs) system with multiple applications, from alerting press operators to inconsistencies between native files and printed output to stripping out fake news stories from printouts.

Utilizing the core elements of Fiery, the EFI Fake News GAFFE uses a web-based dashboard interface to funnel its patented Null Output Corrective Readability Application Plug-in (NOCRAP) detector across a wide spectrum of devices and news feeds to filter out information that has not been independently verified or corroborated. While the initial launch is aimed at the graphic arts community, EFI officials are excited about the mass market opportunities for web and mobile that the EFI Fake News Non-Server GAFFE news filter offers.

“The printing community and its clientele need this type of reassurance that the jobs they are producing rise to the highest level of veracity fidelity,” observes Thomas Foolery, the architect behind EFI’s NOCRAP technology at the heart of the new GAFFE server. “Printers can sell NOCRAP to their customers as a premium service.”

EFI is also working closely with Twitter to produce a platform-specific version of the software to filter out fake news and falsehoods from Tweets.

“The new age of information dissemination is upon us, and you can be sure that NOCRAP will play a large role in its future,” Foolery notes.

For more information, visit http://www.efi.com/marketing/corporate/products/gaffe.