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IN-MOLD LABELING AND PRODUCT DECORATION: Innovation, collaboration, growth

As the in-mold labeling technologies continue to establish themselves in the mainstream technology arena, AWA Alexander Watson Associates’ established IMLCON™ & IMDCON™ conference and tabletop exhibition, held annually in Chicago, USA, expands its scope and focus. As well as creating a valuable networking and learning platform, this year’s program will include expert presentations and panel discussions spanning innovation, trends, and opportunities.

Meet the brand owners

Centered this year on the Hyatt Rosemont Hotel, Chicago, on November 16-18, the event is supported by the Arena International Group, who open the program with an extended luncheon that will, unusually, bring together specially-invited brand owners with conference delegates and event sponsors. The sponsors themselves – platinum sponsors Xeikon, and gold sponsors Berhalter, Eastman, Inland, Taghleef Industries, and Yupo – will complete the opening day’s networking with an evening cocktail reception.

The formal agenda

Focussed on the themes of innovation, collaboration and growth – the three keys to adding in-mold labeling and decoration to enhance a brand -- the 2016 conference is targeted at all those involved in the in-mold labeling and plastic packaging and product industry – from suppliers, machinery manufacturers, converters, molders to brand owners. 

The formal agenda commences the following morning with a ‘real time’ industry survey conducted with the audience, led by AWA Alexander Watson Associates’ President and CEO, Corey M Reardon. Delegates use electronic hand-held devices to answer questions on key industry topics, and their ‘real time’ responses will be instantly shared as part of Corey Reardon’s subsequent expert label and labeling market overview. The conference themes will be underlined in an insightful presentation – ‘In-mold labels\ awaken’ -- from Thilo Henkes, Managing Director and Industrial Products Strategic Advisor for global strategy consulting firm L.E.K. Consulting. The morning continues with a series of up-to-the-minute industry- and technology-specific presentations. 

The Xeikon Digital Experience

After lunch, delegates depart for a special facility tour – the ‘Xeikon Digital Experience’ at the company’s US headquarters in nearby Itasca – followed by cocktails. 

Innovative product and technology presentations feature again on the final day’s agenda, which also embraces two enlightening panel discussions featuring industry leaders, which will cover important aspects of in-mold business today: how to encourage the use of IML; and IMD as a viable alternative to traditional forms of decoration.

In-mold labeling is a growing market for both labeling and decoration, and IMLCON/IMDCON 2016 is a valuable opportunity to keep abreast of the industry across the supply and end-user chain. Full details of the program are available on the AWA Alexander Watson Associates website, www.awa-bv.com, where it is also possible to register online.