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LabelTraxx webinar: Access Your Label Traxx Data With Microsofts PowerBI

Data analytics and data science are some of the most popular buzzwords in the business community. But it can sometimes be difficult to understand what these terms mean in practice and how they apply to your business. Our goal is to try to dispel common misconceptions around data analytics and data science.

In this webinar, we will demonstrate simple and easy examples of how to begin your data analytics journey and use Microsoft PowerBI to leverage data you already have in Label Traxx. Your team will have the opportunity to view Label Traxx's data structure and learn the methods to extract that data for your own analysis. System administrators and management alike will come away with valuable information.

Matt Murphy, from AMEND Consulting and batched.io will be presenting. Matt has an M.S. in Business Analytics and has over 7 years of experience partnering with manufacturers to leverage data to generate results. Through his work with batched.io, Matt has become an expert in Label Traxx data projects and will provide keen insight on creative solutions for your Label Traxx data analytics needs.

Wednesday, June 30th, 2021

8am Pacific, 10am Central, 11am Eastern, 16:00 BST / 17:00 CET

Presented By:

Label Traxx & batched.io

Registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5854192847687555854