Innovation Award to Skanem for Superpeel label!
Skanem was recently awarded the “2012 Oriflame Supplier Award for Best Innovation Initiative” for the Superpeel single ply solution! Skanem was awarded the prize at a supplier conference with Oriflame in Stockholm November 2012.
The Skanem “Superpeel” label solution was initially developed for Oriflame and is an innovative concept with front and reverse printing on the adhesive side. Only one layer is required with the option of having more information on the product. Oriflame sees this as a major innovation, which allows them to provide a cost effective single variant solution whilst ensuring sufficient regulatory information on products.
Technical Support Manager, Alan Hazlewood, further explains the uniqueness of the product: “Printing on the adhesive and surface and treating it to improve the peel-ability means the Superpeel is really a functional label. It is not just providing information but it is also part of the pack. Part of its uniqueness is also the extensive validation testing the product has been through prior to releasing Superpeel to the market.
Multinational Key Account Manager, Brian Olesen says: “This was based upon our hard work for the single ply, superpeel solution. A special thanks to all involved.” Maciej Skwara in Skanem Poznan says the following of the development process: “We have managed to develop quite a robust process. This would however not work without the understanding and involvement from production and quality staff. We have gone through an intensive trial and testing program. With a functional label like this, there is no other good way forward than a detailed plan followed up by a trial and testing program.”
According to Tony Igoe, Component Sourcing Manager at Oriflame, Skanem was a receptive strategic partner to work with in the development process of the label: ‘The Skanem team has been flexible in finding solutions and willing to try out new ideas and provide samples. At the start of the project we were unsure if it was possible to produce this type of label, but once the team started to think in more detail about production possibilities, the development process was really smooth to arrive at an approved label.’