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FINAT launches information document for self-adhesive labels for food packaging

FINAT, the international association for the self-adhesive label industry, is proud to present the first edition of the FINAT information document on the conformity of self-adhesive labels for food packaging at the European Label Forum in Amsterdam.

This document, based on the original by the German national association VskE, has been produced in close cooperation between the national associations VskE, BPIF Labels (UK), GIPEA (Italy) and UNFEA (France), with input from leading consumables suppliers, and provides clear information for the self-adhesive label industry in the important area of conformity of self-adhesive labels for food packaging.

It contains information on EU and national legal requirements, as well as the principles behind mass transfer of substances into packaged foods and the evaluation of potential migration. Finally, the applicability and use of declarations of compliance for self-adhesive labels for food packaging are explained.

“This comprehensive pan-European information document builds on the extensive work already done by the national associations,” says Jules Lejeune, Managing Director of FINAT: “It provides members with support in the critical and complex topic of food packaging conformity. We are grateful to all parties involved for their willingness to share, collaborate on and embrace this joint document.”

The document, which will be updated regularly, can be downloaded by members for free from the FINAT website, www.finat.com.

Supplementing this document are the in-depth guidance documents available from the national associations, which offer detailed documentation to their members.