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FINAT goes to Budapest for third YMC Global Summit

Keeping abreast of label developments, in all production processes, while being aware of external technological and market factors, is an unrelenting challenge for the label industry. This is why FINAT’s annual YMC Global Summit for 2016 is focused on career management, education and innovation. The Summit is scheduled for 28 to 30 April at the Radisson Blu Beke Hotel in Budapest.

The Summit’s theme this year is Winning The Generation Game and the first day will be dedicated to a key topic in the industry – succession planning.

“We are excited about the upcoming third FINAT Global Young Managers Summit in beautiful Budapest,” says Dana Kilarska, Chairman of FINAT’s Young Managers Club that is hosting the event.

An outstanding agenda
The three-day event features an exciting and informative agenda:
· Company visit to Delfort Group. Company visits are always a highlight of the YMC Global Summit!
· A day-long workshop by Elaine Eades & Fiona McNamara, Liverpool University (UK) on getting promoted and avoiding the pitfalls of leadership. They will focus on the improvement of management skills for young people. The session will cover your influence as a young manager, ensuring the working environment remains positive and how to handle conflict resolution.

· Mike Fairley from Tarsus Label Academy (UK) will be presenting on the label industry’s roadmap towards a culture of permanent education.

· Johannes Höfler (A), Patent & Founders Factory, will facilitate a workshop about what kind of innovation makes sense in mature industries like label printing. Innovation is a buzzword, but what does it mean for the label industry? How can you use it to make your company more successful? Participants will walk through the process of fostering innovation. This will cover idea generation, the innovation implementation process, building an innovation culture and cooperating with external partners.

· The networking side programme will among other things feature a wine tasting at Nyakas Winery.

Don’t get stuck in a rut. Register today!
“It would be very easy for our members to get stuck in a rut in their operations, so all-consuming is their day-to-day activity. And so doing, they will miss out on the influences, challenges and opportunities that lurk around the corner,” FINAT Managing Director Lejeune concludes. “These events are designed to make attendees aware of ways they can improve their businesses today and what to watch out for in the future. This year’s Summit is no exception, and we look forward to welcoming a large and engaged group again this year.”