The Internet of Things: Are you maximising your Opportunities?
Do you know what the Internet of Things is?
More importantly do you know where the challenges and opportunities lie and how they could impact your business?
Fortunately, Andy Hobsbawm co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer of IoT smart products platform EVRYTHNG, does. He will share his insight as our headline speaker at FINAT’s Technical Conference next month. He will also detail how smart products, with augmented reality, sensors, printed electronics, batch or SKU QR codes, can transform brand relationships, business operations, and service experiences.
With live solutions Andy will show how labels can become smart, digital assets. He will also explain why labels and packaging are the digital bridge between the physical product and a cloud-powered universe of real-time data and software applications.
Making it a reality
Does this all sound like a different world of possibilities far removed from what you do today?
If so, check out MPS’ Global Marketing Manager Marjolein Ekkelboom. She will talk about how IoT will manage itself, or at least reduce the degree of the human intervention in various printing processes. She will show how that can become a day-to-day reality. How companies can combine and connect all their processes, provide direct access to know-how, supplier support, the supplier’s service organisation and link production resources. All by digitally collecting real-time data through a ‘Talk-to-me platform’.
She will say why the impact of connectivity is massive, both economically and socially.
IoT technologies will be further demystified by Günther Dieroff, Sales and Marketing Manager for Beneli. He will show how smart labels - embedded with electronics, software, sensors, or actuators - are used to increase consumer engagement to provide traceability and product security.
Keen to join us then please register here. If you can’t make it but want to keep up to date with the latest seminar news please visit here.