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29-11-17 - Mark Macaré, FINAT

FINAT Public Affairs Blog #1

EPRC, Brussels, 19 October, Brussels

At the European Paper Recycling Council meeting, ways to assess the recyclability of adhesives and the removability of adhesive applications were discussed. Proposals for methodologies will be up for discussion and adoption at the next meeting in March 2018. In addition, FINAT will take part in an expert group working on the revision of the guidance on deinking of graphic paper.

CheMI meeting, 23 October, Brussels

With the looming last registration deadline of 31 May 2018, the platform of “Downstream users under REACH” is focused on raising awareness among its members of any obligations under REACH. Extensive information on the topic can be found here: https://echa.europa.eu/reach-2018. Again, I urge you to check if you or your suppliers have registered any chemicals you are using!

From our side, FINAT will look at possible membership of the REACH Cross Sector Group, as this group looks at the wider implications of the legislation and its upcoming challenges, such as the impact of Brexit on REACH.

FINAT TC, 25/26 October, Munich

One of the key takeaways of this round of meetings was the establishment of a FINAT FoodSafeUV taskforce, which is to convene in the coming weeks to discuss the way forward for this initiative and the links to existing initiatives.

Circular Economy Package
CITPA meeting, 14 November, Vienna

With several key paper converting associations at the table, environmental legislation and product safety were at the top of the agenda.

For the Circular Economy Package, the goal of the European Commission remains to have this finished by the end of the year, with the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive to be discussed in 2018.

Food Contact Legislation
CITPA meeting, 14 November, Vienna

Concerning the upcoming EU measure on printed food contact materials, a discussion paper from the Commission is expected in Q4 2017, but the process has seen some delays so far. FINAT has joined the Cross-Sector Group for food packaging to ensure it is kept up-to-date of the progress in this key area.

As for the German Mineral Oil Ordinance, this is still in inter-governmental discussion and a new draft has not been released yet.

ESVOC BREF STS, 21st November, Brussels

With the 1st draft of the updated BREF STS (Reference document for best available techniques for surface treatment using solvents) released in the beginning of October, the working group met to discuss comments of the industry. Deadline for feedback is 15 December. The first draft confirmed that the manufacturing of self-adhesive labels will not be covered in the document, even though this was initially suggested by the Commission. FINAT will continue to monitor the process until the final document is released next year.

Upcoming meetings in Q4 2017

  • 5-7 December: PIRA Plastics and Paper in contact with Food Conference, Berlin
  • 12 December: ESVOC BREF STS meeting, Brussels

Important dates

  • End of 2017: Expected discussion paper on EU measure on printed food contact materials
  • February 2018: Expected publication of 9th amendment of Plastics Regulation
  • 31 May 2018: REACH registration deadline for chemicals imported or manufactured in(to) Europe between 1 and 100 t/a