All4Labels Global Packaging Group, one of the world’s leading label and packaging companies, releases its first global sustainability report to communicate the results of its global...
Member newsTarsus Group, organizer of the Labelexpo Global Series, has announced the opening of registration for Labelexpo Mexico 2023.
Labelexpo series newsMondi, a global leader in sustainable packaging and paper, recognised in two categories at the Sustainable Packaging News Awards 2022 for the circular economy and the overall categ...
Member newsSustainability, self-adhesive label materials and digital embellishment are three educational themes shaping the forthcoming Labelexpo Southeast Asia 2023,
Labelexpo series newsMondi, a global leader in sustainable packaging and paper, shares its fourth annual consumer trend survey, which offers a deep dive into online shopping behaviour and consumers’ attitudes...
Member newsFujifilm today announces the closure of the company’s offset plate production line in Tilburg, The Netherlands.
Member newsUPM Raflatac and Orthex have joined forces to offer household products and their labeling made of recycled plastic saved from ending up as marine litter. The products include buckets,...
Member newsAll4Labels Global Packaging Group, one of the world´s leading manufacturer of packaging solutions, as well as a pioneer in digital printing, is continuing its global growth strategy...
Member newsThe 2022 FINAT Sustainability Award recognizes the efforts of the self-adhesive label industry to increase sustainability. This year five initiatives were entered in the competition,...
FINAT newsTo many people, a label is purely a decorative item used to convey information and draw attention to a product. We are used to using labels to influence our purchasing decisions in...
Member news